What our Clients say
Dear Mala
Thank you for your email below, contents thereof and noted.
Thank you for the outstanding and timeous service received which falls nothing short of excellence.
Your assistance herein is highly appreciated.
Kind regards
Kimantha Chatterpaul
Thanks Mala.
You give very good service.
Charles Havemann
Mala Govender is an exceptional individual. I am employed by a Financial service provider myself and deal with teams across the company and can hold a candle to Mala’s service Levels.
She makes me feel special with every interaction. She supported my request from new sales to policy maintenance without buffing me off to someone else. She takes accountability and responsibility with ease and calm.
I commend her service provider for serving with extraordinary levels.
Kind Regards
Good evening Mala
Thank you for your excellent service
All in order to proceed
Kind regards
No problem, you provide an incredible service and are always there in time of need.
Kind Regards
Leroy Pieters
Good day Mala
Please accept my sincere appreciation for the excellent service you gave me. You handled my short term policies with efficiency and professionalism. Your speedy response to my initial query to activation of my policy is outstanding.
Keep up the great work and may your firm grow from strength to strength.
Many thanks.
Kind regards
Harnam Shunkumar
Dear Mrs Govender
I trust you are well.
Thank you for the prompt, speedy, and very efficient service that you have provided me. I have been without other insurers that used delay tactics or tried to find reasons for claims to be repudiated in the interest of the insurer to save money for the insurer. I really appreciate you going the extra mile to ensure that I got the best value for money and the best deals.
I also appreciate the constant follow up on the claims and outstanding issues until the claim was fully resolved. You have truly provided the best service in comparison to other brokers that I have been with to date.
Thank you and keep up the excellent work.
DR Rita Nathan
About us
Our Commitment
Is to build long term relationships and provide you with unique individual insurance solutions. Our understanding of the risk exposures in terms of your profile will allow us to provide risk specific cover to ensure peace of mind.
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